Limber Up Because it’s GAME DAY!

Without All The Sweating … Phew!

Board games are the ultimate activity Du Jour for the fun-seeking connoisseur. They're not just for kids! They're an ancient human pastime celebrating human social interaction. Think “uncertainty of outcome, agreed-upon rules, competition, separate place and time, elements of fiction, elements of chance, prescribed goals, and personal enjoyment.” To get serious and specific, games are important for capturing ideas, worldviews and culture for future generations. But also fun. Must not forget fun! 

 Let us take you through three options to help you along your gaming journey!

Chunky Pavement chalk for hopscotch’n’ such. Mark up a court, scribble down your names and score numbers! Friendly competition, of course. Chalk is the best way for spontaneous game-playing anywhere there’s a spare square of concrete in the ‘hood! Simple and fun! And the clean up? Mother Nature, with all her wet weather ways will take care of it. Go make yourself a cup of tea while the rain washes the game away. 

Curious Gastronaut  - 3 games in one! For those who don’t accept just one game in a box. Nuh-uh. Cue sassy finger swirl. This Swedish game is beautifully designed and teaches kids about food through play! A deck of cards with words describing ideas, textures and combinations - without recipes! A guide to help kids navigate food experiments in a superfun way. Match and invent recipes, and then compete with teams to include a whole brood of family and friends.

PUZZLES (of course) - Seeking a mind-bending game to fill your early Autumn evenings? Step right up to Ocean Jigsaw or Journey of Something puzzlesWe’ve talked about puzzles before. We stand by the fact that they are one of the most amazing inventions this side of modern history. Technically, perhaps not a game, but of course, you can make it an internal game with yourself by seeing how fast you can piece the images together, or find the right shapes that fit and don't even worry about the picture! Or make it a task in serenity - take your time, pick your pieces, slow the process right and enjoy life.

Call it what you want: pastime, diversion, entertainment, amusement, recreation, or leisure activity! Nobody knows when the first board game was played, but we do know they are an excellent way to unwind, relax and -most happily- avoid sweat! xx

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