News — origami
A Pinch And A Punch. It’s The First Of The Month!
calendar MiGoals origami stapler

But Keep Your Hands On The Stationery, Please! Pulp Playfellows! Time is marching on. Get it? March. Marching?! And by the way, we are right behind the marching band. Heck, we ARE the band! But our instruments are stationery materials, and our stomping ground is Sydney Road. Take this shako, pop it on your head and mash it up! In the spirit of the pinch-punch game, let’s go! PINCH some paper between your fingers. What else would we be talking about but origami ?! Harness your inner paper wrangler. Imagine you are the foremost authority on advanced origami and prepping...
Artisan Paper, But Make it Himalayan
A4 art art paper artisan paper beige blockprinting colour colours cool crafting daphne gift gift wrap green grey himalayan himalayan paper indigo light blue lokta lokta paper marine natural origami paper pavers print plant paper plants polka dot red sage seed pattern white wrapping wrapping paper yellow

The Daphne, or ‘Lokta’ Shrub Gives Good Paper. And We Like it—A'Lokta (See What I Did There!?) That’s right; the Nepalese paper plant does what it says on the box and more. This humble bush grows quickly and efficiently throughout Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Vietnam and even into Sichuan (Chilli anyone?) and North-West Yunan. It traditionally provided fodder for a plethora of aesthetically pleasing and valuable products, including prayer books and official documents. (Side note. The religious theme in stationary history runs strong! See last week’s blog for proof. Hint: Who’da’thunk priests would need posters?) Let's not get distracted. The long...