News — notebook
On This Day, 1870? The Capture of Rome!
espresso espresso cups florence zetta karst notebook notebooks stone paper

What Does That Have To Do With Your Favourite Stationery Store, Pulp? Plenty. First of all, Rome is all things to all people. Hmm, that's not entirely true. It was, however, a very important city and culture in many of the modern ways we know today: running water, newspapers, bound books, and even the postal service. You name it; Romans likely had a hot first take on it. So, Besties, Rome actually has everything to do with living your best life. Mic drop. Let’s look closer at three essential items that Pulp can offer for you modern-day Romanites (is that...
Getting to Golden Gatherings By Go-Go Mobile? Document Your Holiday Journeys (with one of these trusty tried and tested notebooks):
diary notebook notebooks notes travel travel diary

Like the ever-trending mullet, we’ll begin this week’s blog with business at the front, and then we can party at the back end, OK? Let’s go! For all your notebook needs when travelling over the holidays to see your family (or *awkward cough* get away from them), this longer-than-usual list will do you no wrong. No need to choose wisely - just choose- because every option here is exceptional: Season Paper Small Notebooks and Journals Karst Pocket Journal Karst Twin Pack Journal A5 / Plain + Ruled - one for you, one for your friend. Blank Brown Paper Journal Large...
2024 is Coming For Us, And All You Have is a Half-Filled-In 2023 Diary.
2024 A4 A5 diaries diary notebook notebooks notes

Pulp Has Pleasing And Beautiful 2024 Diaries You’ll Actually Want to Use (please note the use of italics for emphasis.) Chums, I know it’s relatively early to be yapping on about 2024 diaries, but time moves in mysterious ways. It can slither at a snail’s pace across prosaic routines and travel down the highway of everyday life like a speed demon. Who knows what mood it’ll be in when it wakes up?’ So, while we’re sitting pretty here on Friday the 13th, you can bet your bottom dollar that while you’re avoiding black cats and prepping Halloween lolly bags, it’ll...
Are YOU the Password Child? 10 Fun Facts You Didn’t Realise You Wanted To Know About Passwords.
notebook notebooks notes password book

(And how you can be more creative when choosing/saving one. Spoiler Alert: Jump to Fun Fact #10. Pulp can help! Our Password Books will be your ROI -return on investment- forever more.) Now for the countdown! 1. People choose simple passwords. Historically (and controversially in Japan, in 2022!), the most popular password was “123456”! It’s giving “At the beginning of the Web” … Let’s move on, people! 2. Nothing is immune from going viral (LOL). Even the nerdy concept of passwords. “The Password Child” is a term that went viral in March 2023. It refers to using the name...
PENCO is Good For The Office, Holidays, and Home. Discuss.
bags brush pen brush pens bucket bag Carry hightide nahe notebook notebooks notes packing cell packing cells packing cube pencil cases penco pens tarp bag

There is generally a stigma attached to office work. Tedious, spiritually painful, long hours, and sometimes a long commute to a place you don’t even want to be. The 90s cult movie ‘Office Space’ encapsulates this malaise perfectly -and with humour - which is probably the only way to look at the absurdity of some office jobs. Penco turns this idea of boring office supplies on its head and even makes you - well, me anyway - want to get down and do some serious admin. The products really are that beautiful. Their remit is “casual office supplies”, an...