Your Life Will Flow In the Direction of Your Words.

Breathe, Accept and Choose a Journal … Rise and Shine, Pulp Scribes! It’s time to grab a journal and a pen and write some gibberish. OK, so it might not be gibberish. It might be brilliant. We just wanna take the pressure off. In any case, have you heard of ‘The Artist’s Way’? If not, jump in; we’re here to help. Julia Cameron is the brains behind this book, about accessing and harnessing your creativity. It’s about personal development, artistic inspiration, removing thought blockages and bolstering confidence. We won’t say no to that! One of the book’s exercises is the...
What’s Your Spirit Animal?

Creature Features of You … Whaddaya mean you have no idea what we’re talking about?! Then let us explain! No dawdling now, come along for a shallow dive into the concept of “spiritus animalus” … Well then, Pulp Animal Lovers, you know who you are. But, do you really?! Is your special affinity with goldfish puzzling you? Are the way penguins waddle and sleep totally relatable to you, but you don’t know why?! Let us tell you what we know and maybe things will start to make sense… We’ll start with a quote: “The soul is the same in all...
Pucker Up! Meal Planning For a Chef’s Kiss.

Want a Blank Canvas for Culinary Art? We Got You. Pulp Foodies, Skooch in! We know you love cooking. We know that once a plan is in place, the physical act of making something delicious is as easy as pie (apple, chicken and leek, cottage, or lemon meringue - you choose). And we know that food is oftentimes the best medium to create masterpieces. BUT, sometimes mapping out weekly edible art projects (aka dinners) is a chore and a half. Are we right? You don’t want AI to tell you what to cook. You don’t want to subscribe to a...
Brighten, Lighten, Burn.

When Fragrance Meets Smoke. Brighten your spirit, lighten your soul by burning aromatic incense, Pulp Incense Enthusiasts. Yuragi Incense, to be precise. Originally, incense was used for religious purposes in Mesopotamia, Egypt and India. Back then, it was made primarily from cinnamon, sandalwood and jasmine. The Ancients burned the delightfully smelly stuff to “counteract disagreeable odours and to drive away demons”. Go them! Japanese incense, in particular, is an essential (pun intended!) aspect of Japanese Culture. Legend has it that a log of agarwood washed up on the shores of Awaji Island during the Asukura Period in 595 CE. The piece of...
The Benefits of Baggage.

Carry-Alls that Promote Warm and Fuzzy Beliefs and Feelings! Pulp Bag Fans. Here we are. It's the time of year when the weather maybe -just maybe- feels like it's getting a little cooler. And if not, then you’re probably (definitely?) thinking that you wish it were cooler. In any case, the heat has been going on for quite some time now, and if you love or hate it, you kinda wanna cosplay Autumn right now, but you don’t want to fully wrap up in a coat, boots and thermals. No fear, there are other ways. We’re here to help you...