News — tea
It’s National Banana Bread Day. Yup, You Read Me Right.
bees wax chalk coffee cups food wraps gift house of nunu NUNU paper bags Robert Gordon sidewalk chalk tea teacup

Recipes for Optimising This Historic Day Are As Follows. It’s another fortuitous Friday, my friends! And this one is special. Arguably, the national sweet treat of our country is banana bread. Who of us hasn’t enjoyed a tasty morsel of B-bread? Either made with love by someone dear to us or from a local corner cafe? We’ll speculate less than 1%. But ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, first of all, we need to be transparent. Banana Bread was an American invention! During the 1930s, the Depression hit the US in a big way. Money for food had to be...
What Makes Us Happy: Homewares Made Cute.
bath mat bath towel beach carafe carafe set coffee coffee cup coffee cups cotton cups drink bottle drink bottles espresso espresso cups incense incense holder NUNU tea teacup towels water bottle

When it comes to furnishing one's home, there is literally nothing more satisfying than finding something you never knew you needed but now can’t live without. An ‘A-Hah moment’ lifehack turned into a daily habit. Think of towels. Think of incense holders. Think of cups, drink bottles and carafe sets. Now imagine that you can decorate and consume out of the most beautiful sets. Yes. Happiness. Everyone knows that coffee makes you happy. In Italy, the rise of espresso consumption was associated with industrialization and urbanization in the early 1900s. Nowadays, having an espresso machine is like a little piece...
Mum is the word. The best word.
candles cards coffee cups colour colours cups Daycraft espresso espresso cups mother's day notebook notebooks notes scored cards tea teacup

Ever heard of Anna Jarvis? She is basically the mother of Mother’s Day. An activist who cared for soldiers in the aftermath of the American civil war, she organised women’s groups to promote friendship and health. In 1870, alongside another peace promoter and suffragette, Julia Ward Howe, Jarvis lobbied for a "Mother's Day For Peace" where mothers would ask that their husbands and sons were no longer killed in wars. It called upon mothers of all nationalities to unite to promote the "amicable settlement of international questions, the great and general interests of peace”. Forty years later, in 1907, ‘Mother’s...