News — bucket bag
PENCO is Good For The Office, Holidays, and Home. Discuss.
bags brush pen brush pens bucket bag Carry hightide nahe notebook notebooks notes packing cell packing cells packing cube pencil cases penco pens tarp bag

There is generally a stigma attached to office work. Tedious, spiritually painful, long hours, and sometimes a long commute to a place you don’t even want to be. The 90s cult movie ‘Office Space’ encapsulates this malaise perfectly -and with humour - which is probably the only way to look at the absurdity of some office jobs. Penco turns this idea of boring office supplies on its head and even makes you - well, me anyway - want to get down and do some serious admin. The products really are that beautiful. Their remit is “casual office supplies”, an...
Puffer Jackets for Pencils. Don’t Laugh, It’s a Thing.
bath mat bucket bag glasses case laptop case pencil cases

Actually, you can laugh. It’s ridiculous. But it is also a thing. Besides, Puffer’s are trending. The Good People at Livework have created some super cute casings for all your important things. With the longest name of all time for a pencil case, the ‘Little Things Padding Handle Pen Pouch’ comes in four fancy colourways: black, lemon, orange, and my personal favourite: lavender. So damn pretty. And this whimsical little pouch is just the tip of the iceberg. But this iceberg won’t sink your ship: unless your ship is a massive cruiseliner of disorganised personal items. If so, consider your...