Calling All Heliophiles. That’s You, Sun Lovers.

Are you a Sun Lover and a Note-Taker? Us Too! 

The definition of you: The sun is out. You’re going to the beach, gardening, going for walks, taking naps in the daylight, seeking out that vitamin D! You’re reading and writing in the sun! 

We know you, Pulp sun children. We got you. And we have the perfect item for this unique mix of personality and productivity … peachy!  But first, let’s bask in a small history lesson on the origins of sun-worshipping. 

Sun worship was prevalent in Ancient Egypt. Horus, the god of the sun and sky, was “kind of a big deal” for the Egyptians back in the day. He came in the form of a falcon, whose right eye was the sun or the morning star, representing power and quintessence. Talk about Extra. 

The Sun God Ra was also a main character in Ancient Egypt, and was believed to be the creator of all other gods and humans, and had the power to bring people back from the dead! Say what! 

Well, despite this hyperbole, the sun is actually very good for you! As the concept goes, even just spending fifteen minutes in the sun improves mood, allows for better sleep and increases Vitamin D levels. Mic Drop.

So, when you feel like you’re on the brink of getting sick, are feeling sad, downright tired or need a little ‘pick-me-up’, find some sunbeams and get into them! (Side note: sunscreen is strongly advised).

While you’re photosynthesising your Vitamin D, why not take a moment to journal/sketch/doodle/manifest with a  …

Sunny Notebook!

Collect, write and reflect. These notebooks are light and convenient! 

Specifications are as follows: 

Small: 160 pages long. Sizing is 149mm x 104mm x 12mm (A6). 

The log notebooks come in at  210x148x10.5mm (A5). 

The two-part format is ideal for organising and writing out your day. 

Have a go at the long-lost art of notetaking while you’re topping up your energy reserves.

 Some examples? Sure! 

  • Record important or interesting thoughts.

  •  Organise ideas in bullet points. 

  • Mind map your next career move. 

  • Conceptualise and budget your upcoming holiday! 

  • Compose poetry and song.

  • Diarise wishlists and memory collections.

Sunny is as Sunny Does.

This brand is positively shining. Grid, ruled, plain or free. The pages will facilitate your imagination and To-do lists. Inspire brain activity! Remember how to use a pen! Rest those opposable thumbs and get to it!

We condone, consent and corroborate with Sunny. If it is in the bright daylight of the Summer, then so be it. xx


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