Look Around! It’s Solstice Time Again. What's The Best Thing About Winter?

Cosy Answers Only... Three Cheers for the shortest day of the year! And three items that will help you enjoy it even more … First things’ first Pulp Chionophiles (AKA cold weather lovers). Fun fact: “Chionophiles are any organisms (animals, plants, fungi, etc.) that can thrive in cold winter conditions (the word is derived from the Greek word chion meaning "snow", and -phile meaning "lover"). These animals have specialized adaptations that help them survive the harshest winters.[1]” Thanks Wikipedia! Wiki is generally referring to arctic animals in mountainous polar regions, but when June rolls around in our Southern Hemisphere, we...
Boredom, Schmoredom!

Annihilate Apathy with Amazing Art! (That you Make Yourself) Pulp Artistes! Have you ever typed the following into a search bar: “What was the first artwork ever in the history of the world? (Run-on sentence included! Hawhaw … ) Well, you can cross that chore off your to-do list ‘cos we’ve just done it for you! The answer, Dear Pulp Visionaries, is 45,500 years old and comes from Sulawesi, Indonesia—Leang Tedongnge cave, to be precise. Which just happens to be the oldest cave in Sulawesi. Beat that! Anyway, if you thought a lovely still-life watercolour of some fruit or flowers would...
Limber Up Because it’s GAME DAY!

Without All The Sweating … Phew! Board games are the ultimate activity Du Jour for the fun-seeking connoisseur. They're not just for kids! They're an ancient human pastime celebrating human social interaction. Think “uncertainty of outcome, agreed-upon rules, competition, separate place and time, elements of fiction, elements of chance, prescribed goals, and personal enjoyment.” To get serious and specific, games are important for capturing ideas, worldviews and culture for future generations. But also fun. Must not forget fun! Let us take you through three options to help you along your gaming journey! Chunky Pavement chalk for hopscotch’n’ such. Mark up...
We Have Never Been More In Love With ...

(Insert Your Favourite Pulp Items Here!) Don’t Mind If We Do! The honeymoon isn’t over, Pulp Darlings. In point of fact, it’s only just begun. Grab your nearest and dearest and lookie-see here for cosy, cute ‘n’ calm objects for your creative, collaborative coupling! Mm-hmm that sounds like an introduction to the history of honeymoons if you ask us! The irony is that the honeymoon didn’t begin as a relaxing post-wedding holiday for the newly hitched couple. No! The custom began in Britain in the 19th Century, when newlyweds dutifully travelled across the country to visit family members who couldn't...
Take The Plunge, Get Spliced, Tie The Knot!

3 Ways To Say ‘YES’ With Pulp! Getting down on one knee is the easy part. Finding, designing and prepping all the right paraphernalia accompanying an engagement can be downright difficult! No woes, Pulp Proposers - we’ve got you! Getting the setting right is part of the plan. Red roses are the global flower of love—love, passion, romance, and devotion, to be precise! They emerged as a simple and proud way to say, ‘I love you!' in the 19th Century (the Victorian Era), “at a time when the verbal expression of such sentiments was deemed socially inappropriate”. If you’re fresh...