Are YOU the Password Child?  10 Fun Facts You Didn’t Realise You Wanted To Know About Passwords.

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(And how you can be more creative when choosing/saving one. Spoiler Alert: Jump to Fun Fact #10. Pulp can help! Our Password Books will be your ROI -return on investment- forever more.) Now for the countdown! 


1. People choose simple passwords. 

Historically (and controversially in Japan, in 2022!), the most popular password was “123456”! It’s giving “At the beginning of the Web” … Let’s move on, people!

2. Nothing is immune from going viral (LOL). Even the nerdy concept of passwords. 

“The Password Child” is a term that went viral in March 2023. It refers to using the name of  “the child who is perceived to be the family's ‘obvious favourite’ because their parent uses their birthdate or name for their online passwords.” Thanks, Mum’n’Dad, and Urban Dictionary

3. The need for passwords is vexing. 

Having to use passwords is highly bothersome. That’s it. 

4. Big Universities adopted a practice of making people use passwords to save time and space.  

MIT - the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (a prominent, famous, hard-to-get-into University in Boston, U.S.A.) was the birthplace of the modern PW in 1961. A computer scientist who worked there called Fernando Corbado (‘Corby’ to his mates) hooked up a little system of using passwords so everyone could use the same computer in his lab. A practice now known as hotdesking, I believe. (Fun Fact #4 and-a-half:  in 1989, MIT people also invented the Internet. Bam!) 

5. Passwords being used to make things secure was almost an afterthought. 

Yep, at this moment in time, the peeps at MIT were more interested in how to hack passwords than how to keep data safe.

6. The Romans invented passwords, actually. 

Hold the Fun Fact list! Corby didn't invent passwords. A Greek Hellenic historian called Polybius noted that the Roman Military used “watchwords” to challenge those who wanted to enter a guarded area. It was a way that people could tell friends from foes before anyone was even invited through your front door.

7. Quite a few decades ago, you needed a password to get a drink.

In the 1920s in the USA (and in Oz in the ACT!), alcohol was banned. Hidden and secret bars called Speakeasys popped up all over the place - but you could only get in if -guess what?- you gave them a password, code or phrase. They didn’t want the PoPo (police) to bust them, so you needed to be in the know. 

8. In 1978, a guy called Robert Morris invented ‘encryption’. 

Yup, he’s a cryptographer. Encryption is a fancy way to translate passwords into numbers. We still use this process today.  He also invented a digital “worm” (The Morris Worm) that could hack computers. And he got into a bit of a pickle over it. Eek. 

9. You can’t swing a cat without having to put in a password now. 

Not that you would. Swing a cat. At least, I hope not. Fast forward to 2023, and the average person has about 100 passwords for all their digital devices, platforms, accounts etc., which are ultimately the bane of their existence. Password Fatigue is real, and don’t we all know about it!? It’s like a password marathon where no one is the winner, but everyone is exhausted and has an imbalance of stress. Also, refer back to Fun Fact #3.

10. Password Memo Books exist, and we sell them

I repeat: Password memo books exist, and we sell them! Procuring one is like a Canon Event. I.e., no matter what life you choose, you know you need one. These little books from the wonderful Japanese company Hightide allow you to carefully note down all your passwords by theme. They have sections for the following: Title. Username. Password. Notes. Plus, they come in Ivory, Blue, Green, Grey and Yellow colourways. There’s plenty of space to write and rewrite notes, with two accounts for every page. Choose a name or object unique to you (pet, child, first car etc.) and then maybe a cute lil number to go with it (the year you first went overseas, your wedding anniversary, perhaps.) That’s all you need! And maybe a pen. So helpful! So analogue! (In the BEST way). Order online or pop in-store to procure yours ASAP. 

And never forget 123456 again. 

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