New Year Resolutions Moon (Re)Boot.

Time For a Lunar Walk Around Your Inner Landscape. 

It’s the year of the snake!

But what does that mean for our internal celestial pathways? In three words: transformation, renewal and wisdom. Not too shabby, we’ll take it!

So, let’s slither into the Lunar New Year with us for a second chance at making and keeping intentions, resolves and decisions. Snake your way to your best life with us, Pulp Fam. 

To be fair, we believe that being your best self can happen at any time of year. Let us help you make that happen no matter what page of the calendar you decide to implement a shift in consciousness, aesthetic, or routine. 

Here are some planetary-pleasing products for a “take 2’ in aligning your vibes for the year…  

School of Life Series

Energy shift, anyone? School of Life has you covered. 

These card sets showcase exercises to keep you motivated, collaboratively minded, resilient, open-hearted and inspired. 

If you need some help in any of the following departments, peruse this card collection list now:  

Motivation - Train your brain to generate your best efforts. Expertly clear mental blocks like an Olympic hurdler! It's not a competition, but if it were, the info on the cards could put you on the highest motivational podium. 

Collaboration - Collaboration skills can be taught. Exercises to build trust, empathy and insight can lead the way to better relationships. Work imaginatively together and see the ideas fly!

Resilience  - We overestimate how fragile we are. Of course, we are stronger than we think. We need a reminder of this fact!

Kindness - Tiredness, anger, bitterness, begone! Shuffle and deal the cards for a kinder life all around. 

Inspiration - Get closer to the answers you’re looking for. Pick a card, any card and be amazed at how helpful it is. Shake up your perspective in small moments and see where things take you.  

Yup, these cards tackle mental blocks like nothing else. 

Work towards your goals, and enact behaviour that prevents burnout. Choose your own adventure and invest in a bundle of these card sets. It's like having your own mediation guru, life coach, and hype person at your fingertips … The difference is that these cards are available at any time for the decisions that face us at the crossroads of life. 

… And that’s not all. While we’re on the existential bandwagon, let’s think about Bucket Lists. And in particular, the ...

Bucket List Notebook

What is a bucket list? Why is it called that? What are the benefits of making a bucket list? How do you make one? Why does it have to be so morbid? All good questions. 

Justin Zackham. Ever heard of him? He wrote the screenplay for the 2007 movie ‘The Bucket List’, which is where the Internet believes the term came from. Of course, there’s also the phrase to kick the bucket, meaning to cease to exist (which was first officially coined in 1785!) You see where this is going…

So, the idea of the Bucket List is stuff you want to do while you can. While you're still agile. While you still have some life in you! Heave ho, let’s go. 

The Bucket List Notebook allows you to keep track of all the ins and outs of your bucket list journey. It gives you questions you never knew you needed to ask, but only YOU know the answer to. For example: 

・100 things to do before you turn 30 (or 60!)

・100 things I want to do in a year.

・100 things to do before getting married.

・100 things I want to do before I graduate.

・100 things I want to do before I die.

・100 things I want to do for my daughter.

・100 things to do after you retire.

Size, you ask? A6. 

Now, get going! While the going is good. 

Serpentine Moves

Think of the way to embark on 2025 in the same way a snake moves around in nature. Navigate your fears, hopes and dreams in a variety of ways. Slither, sidewind, loop and make rectilinear progressions. 

Things often depend on your environment and what you’re trying to do. You can do it! Be curious and push back against the status quo. Shed your skin to heal, move forward and grow! xx 

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