What Makes Us Happy: Homewares Made Cute.

bath mat bath towel beach carafe carafe set coffee coffee cup coffee cups cotton cups drink bottle drink bottles espresso espresso cups incense incense holder NUNU tea teacup towels water bottle

When it comes to furnishing one's home, there is literally nothing more satisfying than finding something you never knew you needed but now can’t live without. An ‘A-Hah moment’ lifehack turned into a daily habit. 

Think of towels. Think of incense holders. Think of cups, drink bottles and carafe sets. Now imagine that you can decorate and consume out of the most beautiful sets. Yes. Happiness.

Everyone knows that coffee makes you happy. In Italy, the rise of espresso consumption was associated with industrialization and urbanization in the early 1900s. Nowadays, having an espresso machine is like a little piece of heaven in your own home. But what do you pour your espresso into? How can you make the coffee fix even more amazing? The Nunu espresso set: insulated translucent glass, available in teal, clear, green , blue and pink (!) is perfect for an elevated home coffee experience. Water on the side? The carafe and cup belly set can be on sweet standby, looking gorgeous of course.   

Nunu’s towels are quintessentially aesthetic, with a check pattern that comes in red, blue, green and mustard. 100% cotton and super soft; a delight for the eyes as well as beautiful to use. 

The pratice of burning incense is as old as the hills, and incense holders come in all shapes and sizes, but Nunu’s holders - shaped like a little beehive - are possibly the prettiest you may have seen - ever.  

Small things can set the scene to beautify your home, and make your life just that little bit sweeter. The impact that even small objects have to shift energy and interior design dynamics are not to be underestimated. Small, but mighty everyday objects that can make turn mundanity (is that a word?! Yes, I think it is) on its head …

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