
Unignorable! Strong, Enigmatic and Independent. Your Guide To Choosing Gifts For The Scorpion.

Unignorable! Strong, Enigmatic and Independent. Your Guide To Choosing Gifts For The Scorpion.

Scorpios lead the way during the warmer seasons. Here are three Pulp products that help Scorpios shine. Bask in the glow of the Scorpion this Season!  How to understand a Scorpio? Through their unwavering passion for life, love and being organised! There’s a bigger picture, of course, with questions that beg to be answered: What is astrology anyway? Who invented the zodiac? Why do people believe in astrology?  And how is it all related to all the good things here at Pulp Creative Paper!? We know you love a bit of  Pulp discourse, friends, so let’s focus, buckle down, zero...

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When Taking Notes, Practice Precision, Not Perfection!

When Taking Notes, Practice Precision, Not Perfection!

Does taking notes by hand improve memory? Good question. Let’s investigate!  Pulp Scribes take note. Writing by hand is incredible for memory and recall of words, and laying down the foundations of literacy and learning. Yup, you read us right. Taking notes by hand during a lecture, instead of typing can lead to a better conceptual understanding of materials! ‘Nuff said, we’re sold!  So how do we start practicing preciseness? What about with ... Rulers! Are rulers accurate? Why do rulers not start at zero? Are rulers straight?!  So many questions, so little time…  OK, this is a doozy, and we...

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Will Smellovision Ever Exist?

Will Smellovision Ever Exist?

Undoubtedly, Yes! And when it does, you can lean in and sniff our candles, incense and crayons! Smell is evocative. It’s transformative! It’s a safe and cheap way to time travel. You heard us! The aroma of freshly baked biscuits and cakes? It's your first time at grandma’s cosy home. The salty essence of seaweed, sand and the sea mixed with sunscreen? You’re at the beach as a teenager with your friends.  Yup, the connection between smell and memory is an important part of life as we know it. Smell triggers memories and is deeply tied to our cognitive, emotion...

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A Quick Gander Into Origins and Traditions. The All-Hallow’s Eve Edition.

A Quick Gander Into Origins and Traditions. The All-Hallow’s Eve Edition.

Halloween, a night of ghosts, goblins, and lollies, has its roots in ancient Celtic traditions. Let's explore the history of this spooky day and discover how to create a Pulpific and memorable celebration.  You know the drill, Pulp revellers; celebration days and events are full of excitement, anticipation and fun! Halloween included. But what’s really behind the concocting, crafting, costumes and confectionary collection? That is a very good question. We have six days to learn about ‘The ‘Ween’ (as we like to call it). No fear; we’re here to boost your knowledge in one quick blog post!  Halloween is celebrated...

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Cross Body, Hand-Held, Laptop, Shoulder … Yup, Bags!

Cross Body, Hand-Held, Laptop, Shoulder …  Yup, Bags!

Try Googling “The first bag ever.” Do you know what happens? The magical box of questions and answers (aka your computer/phone) will present you with an anecdote dating back as far as the brain can fathom. It’ll say something like this: “The oldest known purse dates back more than 5000 years, and was a pouch worn by a man, Ötzi the Iceman.” Interesting! Clearly, Ötzi needed extra packing space for the proliferation of the ice in his possession. We can relate. Not about the ice, but other things. Like Halloween lollies?! It’s just a thought.  Later in the ages,  pouches...

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